Housing – ADCOSS http://www.adcoss.org.nz Auckland District Council of Social Services Wed, 08 Mar 2017 03:21:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.5 Citizens Advice Bureau Glen Innes http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/citizens-advice-bureau-glen-innes/ Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 http://w2mhosting.net/adcoss/item/citizens-advice-bureau-glen-innes/ 100 Line Road, Glen Innes.

PO Box 18 194, Glen Innes 1743.

CAB Glen Innes is open 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, and for booked legal advice service appointments on Saturday morning at 9.30am.


We offer free, confidential, advice, support and information, helping with forms and contacting government departments. We can offer options about consumer rights, family matters, financial issues, employment rights, government department concerns, housing, health services, and information about local organisations and services. If you need us to speak to someone on your behalf, or assistance with writing a letter, we can do that too.

As well as face-to-face, telephone and email help, we offer the following services:-

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE: Monday to Friday 9.30 – 11.30am

A JP Service Desk operates within the CAB. No appointments. JPs are warranted by the Governor-General to: Witness documents; certify copies; take declarations, affidavits and affirmations


  • Saturday morning, 9.30am. Brief legal advice with a lawyer. Appointments necessary; call in or phone us on 09 528 3682
  • Wednesday morning, Auckland Community Law Centre legal advisor is available at the CAB by appointment: booked through Auckland Community Law, ph. 09 377 9449.BUDGETING SERVICES


  1. There are 2 Budgeting Services offered at the CAB:
  1. Auckland Central Budgeting: Monday, Tuesday & Friday mornings. Contact the CAB to arrange a time. Sometimes clients can drop-in without an appointment, but this cannot be guaranteed.
  2. Tamaki Budgeting: Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday afternoons. Call them on 09 570 9023 to make an appointment.


Mondays 12.30 – 4pm. Ven. Sumana Siri offers a CAB service to clients in the Burmese language


Provides emergency food assistance to residents of Glen Innes and Pt England. There are limits on the number of food parcels per year, and proof of identity & address required. Enquire in person between 9am and 3pm, Monday – Friday.

Donations of food are very welcome.


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Asylum Seekers Support Trust http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/asylum-seekers-support-trust/ Thu, 31 Mar 2016 00:07:57 +0000 http://w2mhosting.net/adcoss/?post_type=ait-item&p=183 ASST works to create a safe and supportive environment for all asylum seekers. We provide access to information, services and resources so asylum seekers may effectively pursue the determination of their refugee status, and thrive in their new home.


Housing more than 44 people, including families

Advocating for approximately 106 people in a variety of situations

Helping resettle 27 people and their families who had their refugee status confirmed

Consulting with Immigration NZ and the refugee sector.

Auckland City Mission http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/auckland-city-mission/ Tue, 29 Mar 2016 14:06:44 +0000 http://w2mhosting.net/adcoss/item/default-copy/ Helping Aucklanders in desperate need by providing excellent integrated services and effective advocacy.

Where your donations go: In the last financial year, our supporters…

Donated food, so 10,934 emergency food parcels could be distributed to families and individuals in crises

Donated funds, so 2,274 outreach contacts could be made with rough sleepers and homeless indivuals and families

Donated gifts, so more than 10,000 presents could be provided to children who would otherwise have gone without at Christmas time

Donated time, so that 4,220 volunteers worked a total of 24,622 hours, packing food parcels, sorting donations, and helping to organise the annual Christmas Lunch

Auckland Latin American Community http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/auckland-latin-american-community/ Thu, 18 Aug 2016 23:17:45 +0000 http://www.adcoss.org.nz/?post_type=ait-item&p=1784 Provides Social Services to migrants from Latin America and other parts of the world as needed. Also encourages participation by providing educational workshops such as language classes, and foster cultural development such as family events. It also provides the library Letras Latinas , Makehue Dange group and other initiatives. ]]> Chinese New Settlers Trust http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/chinese-new-settlers-trust/ Tue, 28 Jun 2016 22:09:13 +0000 http://www.adcoss.org.nz/?post_type=ait-item&p=1472 To work towards meeting the needs of the Asian seniors, children, youth and all other new settlers, and to facilitate the successful integration of Asian new settlers into wider New Zealand society.

Our services include

  • Social Work & Counselling
  • Employment & Enterprise
  • Settlement Support
  • Asian Community Services
  • CNSST Education Institute
  • Social Housing
CORT Community Housing http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/cort-community-housing/ Thu, 31 Mar 2016 00:36:23 +0000 http://w2mhosting.net/adcoss/?post_type=ait-item&p=193 CORT – Providers of affordable rental accommodation

CORT Community Housing (Community of Refuge Trust) is an Auckland not-for-profit organisation and is registered as a charitable trust.  We provide affordable rental accommodation for people with high housing need. The philosophy underpinning CORT’s service delivery is that provision of community housing is at the heart of social justice and personal wellbeing.

De Paul House http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/de-paul-house/ Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 http://w2mhosting.net/adcoss/item/de-paul-house/ De Paul House provides housing and family support services. Our service aims to keep families united in a safe and dignified environment, and help them address the issues that have lead to them being homeless.  Families set goals with the assistance of the family support team.  These goals commonly include housing, budgeting, a compulsory savings programme.  Participation in our employment training and life skills classes is also a key part of our programme, as is enrolment of children in our playgroup.  School aged children benefit from our after school homework centre.  This range of services offers support for the entire family and enables them to become independent, confident, resilient families.

De Paul House accepts families of all nationalities and religions.

Family Works Northern http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/family-works-northern/ Fri, 19 Aug 2016 02:18:37 +0000 http://www.adcoss.org.nz/?post_type=ait-item&p=1791 Family Works Northern is a professional, not-for-profit organisation that’s here to support families in every way we can. We’re part of Presbyterian Support Northern, a charitable social services provider that’s been around for more than 130 years. We’re passionate about strengthening New Zealand families as they face life’s challenges.

Through counselling and social work in communities and schools throughout the upper North Island (from Northland to Turangi), we champion the causes of children/tamariki in our communities and support them and their families/whānau to flourish. We wholeheartedly believe that:

  • children should feel safe, loved and cared for
  • families can be restored and empowered
  • communities can be places of compassion and support
  • New Zealand can become the best place to raise children.
Monte Cecilia Housing Trust http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/monte-cecilia-housing-trust/ Thu, 31 Mar 2016 00:08:56 +0000 http://w2mhosting.net/adcoss/?post_type=ait-item&p=186 The Trust offers a range of housing services that supports low income families to find affordable and appropriate housing as well as preparing them to sustain their own home.

Providing strength-based & culturally appropriate, case management for families in crisis.

The Trust offers a continuum of service:

1. Initial contact is made through our Social Work Team in Waitakere (09 832 6634) and South Auckland (09 275 6661).

2. Services range from Housing advice and referral, advocacy for sustainable housing, together with a limited range of housing available in Trust properties.

3. Additionally we run a supportive housing programme based in Mangere. This accommodates 12 families in a communal environment where participation in and commitment to the programme are required.  Families join the programme over a number of weeks whilst working toward their sustainable housing goal.  We do not provide temporary “same day” housing for short periods.

4. The Trust also has a number of high quality rental properties where families reside for a short term period (from 12 to 36 months), again whilst working toward sustainable housing

Sisters of Mercy Wiri http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/sisters-of-mercy-wiri/ Sun, 12 Jun 2016 23:34:37 +0000 http://www.adcoss.org.nz/?post_type=ait-item&p=1359 Tenant’s Protection Association (Auckland) http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/tenants-protection-association-auckland/ Tue, 29 Mar 2016 00:55:48 +0000 http://w2mhosting.net/adcoss/item/tenants-protection-association-auckland/ Support, advice and advocacy for tenants.

Tenants’ Protection Association (Auckland) (TPA) is an organisation providing support, advice and advocacy for tenants throughout the Auckland region and beyond. We are the only organisation working solely with tenants and we work with all ages, genders, ethnicities, cultures and classes. We support tenants in disputes with landlords in both the public and private sector. We offer training and education in the Residential Tenancies Act 1986 and the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2010 to community organisations and individuals.

We have a manual and an information pamphlet available, the pamphlet is free and manual is $20.00. We prepare tenants for Tenancy Tribunal hearings and accompany them when possible. Our preferred contact is by telephone as in most instances we need to ask questions about the issue and email communication is usually too slow to gain an understanding of the situation.

We are open every weekday morning.

The Dream Centre http://www.adcoss.org.nz/item/the-dream-centre/ Tue, 29 Mar 2016 16:34:11 +0000 http://w2mhosting.net/adcoss/item/default-copy-2/ The Dream Centre, is a non-profit organisation based in Auckland. Reaching out to find and fill the needs of individuals and families across this city.

We do this through residential/live in discipleship, transitional housing, life skills training, street outreach, counselling, bible studies and much more. Meeting people where they are at to bring hope & restoration back into their lives.
