Submissions re minimum housing standards in rental properties

You can help New Zealand children live in better quality rental housing!

NZCCSS has teamed up with ActionStation, Unicef, CPAG and Sustainability Trust to create a simple way for you to make a submission on what the minimum housing standards in rental properties should be.
We know the quality of housing plays an important role in children’s health and well-being.
We also know many lives, especially those of young children, would be saved if we had decent standards for rental housing in New Zealand.

NZCCSS supports legislation to raise housing standards but believes the standard proposed in the Bill is set too low to make any real difference.
You can make a submission on this Amendment Bill either as an individual or organisation.  Submit on minimum housing standards here.

Submissions are due 27 January 2016

For more information about the Bill go to NZCCSS Posts:

A chance to do more to improve housing,

Rental law changes are half hearted